Chattanooga Attorney Secures Motion to Dismiss

Mar 31, 2016 | News

An attorney in Spicer Rudstrom’s Chattanooga office secured a motion to dismiss a complaint yesterday in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee. Thomas (Tom) E. LeQuire, managing partner of that office, defended the three individually named defendants against complaints from the plaintiff, a prisoner in the Bradley County Jail, who claimed he had suffered physical abuse and adverse conditions due to his confinement. The court reviewed each of the claims against the defendants and concluded that the prisoner failed to adequately state the details of his claim in the complaint. It was therefore dismissed in its entirety.

This is the second motion to dismiss Tom has won this year. The former civil rights case was against Bradley County, the county’s sheriff’s department, and the former county sheriff.

Tom is a senior partner at Spicer Rudstrom, concentrating his practice primarily in local government liability defense, including GTLA claims, federal civil rights claims, and general tort liability defense, particularly in serious personal injury cases.