Ann Dee McClane, Director of Marketing and Client Development for Spicer Rudstrom, was among the speakers at yesterday’s Entertainment and Sports Forum 2016, presented by the Tennessee Bar Association. “Getting Social: Exploring Ethical Challenges When Using Social Media and Online Platforms to Market Your Practice” featured a panel of three attorneys from various firms across Nashville, Tenn., and Ann Dee joined them to weigh in on the top social media sites for the legal industry, popular ways to use them and the importance of maintaining a social presence to remain competitive.
The annual Entertainment and Sports Law Forum featured topics that attorneys from across the state had requested, including intellectual property issues for the TV show Nashville; a primer on the emerging issues in fashion law; the anatomy of artist-management relationships with an emphasis on current challenges in the Nashville-handshake deal; and ethics surrounding the use of social media.
The half-day seminar offered attorneys four hours of continuing legal education credit.
Ann Dee joined Spicer Rudstrom in the fall of 2015 and is responsible for developing and overseeing the firm’s marketing and client relations for the multi-office law firm in three states.